Fertility Clinics

As part of my freelance work I’ve collaborated with various fertility clinics. Below you can find information about the clinics and links to their websites and any articles.

Concept Fertility

Concept Fertility

In the UK, 1 in 6 couples are currently living with infertility, that’s 3.5 million family members, friends and colleagues who are struggling to have a much-longed for child. On average it takes around six months to conceive naturally and, whilst 80-90% of all couples will become pregnant within two years, for that final 10-20% it takes longer and medical intervention may be required. Fertility treatments are more commonplace than you might think but it’s important to understand that not every couple will need IVF and a simpler treatment could in fact be the answer. To explore your options, or if you have any concerns about your fertility, please visit: www.conceptfertility.co.uk

abc ivf

With cuts to NHS funding for fertility treatments, abc’s mission is to reduce the cost of IVF. As a sister clinic to Create Fertility, the team at abc are headed up by Medical Director, Professor Geeta Nargund and have over 50 years of combined fertility experience. To read my articles, on their fantastic and informative blog, click here, or visit them at: www.abcivf.co.uk

Surrey Park Clinic

Infertility is often described as a battle and, at times, it’s not only a battle to conceive it’s also a fight for treatment and access to medical teams. Patients should never have to solely become their own advocates, pushing for consultations or changes to procedures and the right to try another option. At Surrey Park Clinic all treatment is Consultant-led, enabling those all-important decisions to be made competently and compassionately, yet also with speed. Finding a clinic with the right patient values at its core is incredibly important; determination can only get an infertile so far meaning the unending support of a caring medical team is invaluable.


Surrey Park Clinic-108You can read my articles below:
About Surrey Park Clinic
Egg Donation with Surrey Park Clinic

Or visit the Surrey Park Clinic website: www.thesurreyparkclinic.co.uk