Infertility & IVF

If you’ve found your way here via the torturous path of infertility then I am truly sorry. Infertility is cruel. It’s unkind and has the capacity to break incredibly strong and beautiful people. It’s something I wish no one ever had to experience.

To give you a heads up, IVF did work for me and, after multiple cycles, a miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy, I did get my miracle, following a successful FET. I do write about my son, amongst many other things, and understand it could be painful for you to read about my family life. And that’s completely fine.

I’ve set out my blog so that those battling infertility will find a safety net of support, care and shared experience, without having to plough through those possibly hard to read posts about parenting after IVF. To get straight to the infertility pieces I’d suggest starting here and following the links at the end of each article. There are also specific category tabs (to the right if you’re reading on a desk top and at the bottom if you’re scrolling on a mobile) clicking on these takes you directly to all posts relating to infertility and IVF. You’ll also find a general search function and a resources page.

I experienced shame and guilt and grief, at the hands of infertility and, wrongly, spent years convincing myself that worth is directly linked to procreation. It’s not. Our lives may have taken unplanned turns with differing outcomes to the ones I imagine we all ambitiously manufactured, and tried to control, for our future, but doesn’t mean it’s a disappointment.

Neither am I. And neither are you.

Remember that even if, at times, you may feel isolated, you are never alone. And always know there is no shame in infertility. My heart goes out to you. I share in your pain and wish I could ease your burden. I pray for luck and peace on your journey.

As Winnie the Pooh would say: “You’re braver than you believe and stronger and smarter than you think.”

Caro x

Infertility: Start here…