abc ivf and what to do if you think you might be infertile

We’ve probably all heard that age-old quip that “trying to get pregnant is the fun part”, but for anyone who thinks they might be infertile, that’s sadly not always the case. The reality is that becoming a parent isn’t a happy, easy or care-free experience for everyone; it can be a scary, confusing and lonely time.

It’s often difficult knowing where to turn to find practical advice, alongside compassion and understanding because, when it comes to suspected infertility, there can be a distinct lack of guidance. Which is why I hope that my latest piece, for abc ivf, may be able to help advise, and support, anyone finding themselves struggling to conceive, in the early days of trying.

Thinking you might be infertile is a deeply personal issue, which can be increasingly difficult to raise with others but please know that, whatever stage you’re at in your TTC journey, support is available and any worries you have should never be belittled.

To read my full article visit the abc ivf blog.



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